
December Holiday Party

In lieu of a meeting, we will be having our annual holiday gathering. Please bring your favorite side dish or dessert. We will also be doing the photo swap again this year! If you are interested in participating, bring a wrapped matted photo suitable for framing. This always brings lots of fun and laughter and legal theft! So please join us and bring your spouse or partner for the evening.

Again this year, we are having a special presentation brought to us by YOU! Our presentation this year will be a series set to music of your 5 Best Shots of the Year. If you are interested in participating in the show, go through your pictures from 2014 and pick your top 5. Send them to Peter Foiles: (1024 pixels on the long side is sufficient). Please include your name in a watermark on the photo so everyone knows who took the photo. The presentation will play during our holiday party as a homage to all our talented members! All entries MUST be sent to Peter by 12/2/15.