
December Speakers - Kimo Williams Postponed

Normally in December, we do not have a meeting, but have instead our holiday party with a great dinner and a photo swap. This year, well, you know.... So instead of our holiday party, we will have TWO speakers in December, both the same week as our usual meeting date.

For Club Members only: Monday, December 7, at 7 pm: David duChemin, arranged by the West Shore Photography Club, and we are helping to sponsor this speaker. It will be recorded by the duChemin team and the recording available upon request for a limited time only to our deaf members, per agreement with duChemin's agent. Therefore, most of our members will need to see this presentation "live," so mark it on your calendar. A Zoom link to this presentation will be sent to you next weekend.

Illustrated by inspiring photographs from around the world, The Heart of the Photograph Virtual Lecture with David duChemin is a 90-minute conversation (including Q&A time) exploring ten powerful ideas about the creation of more engaging photographs. This webinar will discuss techniques and ways of thinking about the creation of images designed to engage human imagination and emotion, including questions of vision and intent, the use of space and time, the creation of depth, and the use of point of view. David will also discuss mood and mystery, storytelling, and what this all means for our choices of moments as well as more practical considerations, like the more creative use of exposure tools, composition, and more. This will be a compelling lecture with (and about) heart that your club will remember for a long time.

David duChemin is a best-selling author, award-winning photographer, and leading expert in the field of creativity. With over 35 years experience making photographs, his calling is to help photographers make photographs that are more than just sharp and well-exposed. David teaches how to make photographs that light a spark in people, that communicate clearly, that captivate imaginations and grab the attention and hearts of the people who will see them. As an international workshop leader and author of best-selling books like Within The Frame and The Soul of the Camera ( both published in over a dozen languages), he’s taught students this incredible craft on all seven continents.

If you want more, you can get a sense of his teaching on his blog at

You can see his portfolio at

And you can listen to his sultry radio voice by listening to his podcast about the joys and challenges of everyday creativity at

Open for all members and guests/visitors: Wednesday, December 9, at 7 pm, Kimo Williams Postponed!

Marshall Dupuie and I first met J. Kimo Williams when we walked by his gallery in downtown Shepherdstown, WV. He had a selection of antique cameras in the window, and upon further inspection, we wandered into his shop and met this intriguing man. He is a musician, a composer, a photographer, a proud Vietnam veteran, and so much more. He's hard to describe in a few words, so here are three biographies to choose from: long, medium, and short! A Zoom link to this meeting will be sent to you the weekend before.

In his talk, Williams will discuss:

  1. Finding the Light
  2. Adding your personal narrative (cropping, effects, presentation, mounting etc.)
  3. The shot - What it is and what it will be
  4. Understanding the Home Run (a metaphoric approach to understanding your camera)

You can visit some of Williams' galleries here, including his current "Counties of the Potomac River" series.

Instead of an honorarium, Williams has requested that our club make a donation to his "The Names of Those..." project, to support an art installation that will include a video monitor to scroll the names and dates of death of every US military member who died as a result of their service in Vietnam.