
March Meeting: A Photo Critique on Wednesday, March 9, at 7 pm.

March Meeting: A Photo Critique on Wednesday, March 9, at 7 pm.

Traditionally, our March meeting is a critique. All of us learn from a critique, beginners and experienced photographers alike. Sometimes, a good crop is suggested by the reviewer, and it makes all the difference. Sometimes a photo might work better in black and white than it does in color, and vice versa.

On Wednesday, March 9, at 7 pm, Mike Donovan will be doing our annual critique of images. The purpose of a critique is to have an independent, objective review of the strengths and weaknesses of an image. Comments may include remarks about composition, focus, intent of the photographer, creativity, technical expertise, emotion, etc. Suggestions may include a different crop, turning the photo to black and white, dialing back on the use of an artistic filter, clarifying the subject intended by the photographer, etc. All comments are intended for everyone viewing the critique to learn more about what strengthens an image.

Mike Donovan has been photographing for over 40 years. He takes part in local arts and crafts shows and has had work accepted in various shops, galleries, and contests in his local area of South Central Pennsylvania. He is a photography judge for local camera clubs and civic groups. He has taught classes for his local library and has taught summer classes for kids.

Mike's photography education consists of various workshops, seminars, and he has an Associate Degree in Photography from the Harrisburg Community College. He loves line, shape, color, and composition, and he makes every effort to incorporate as many of those things in his work as possible. Mike was an elementary school teacher for over 33 years and he now devotes time to various hobbies, with photography chief among them. You can see Mike's work at

A Zoom link will be sent via the email blast to all members and to non-members/guests who request it by sending an email to

To submit images for our March 9 critique meeting, send up to three images as an attachment to These images should be different from the ones you may have submitted for the Monday Night Chat on February 28. Please prepare the images as you would for the Member Showcase (details are below on how to prepare.) Please ask for help if you are not sure of what to do. The deadline for submitting images for the March 9 critique meeting is Sunday, March 6. All images will be placed on a secure website so that Mike Donovan, our reviewer, will have time to see them in advance and make notes.