
September Meeting - Lightpad Photography

First, we will have Lori Lankford give us a Zoom presentation on lightpad photography on Wednesday, September 7, which is actually a week BEFORE our usual meeting date. Then, on Wednesday, September 14, we will use our meeting room at the Delaplaine to set up numerous light pad stations with flowers, thinly sliced veggies and fruit, old keys, leaves, etc., for people to photograph, then watch a demo as several are edited on the screen. There are several members who already own lightpads that can bring theirs, so there is no need to purchase a lightpad in order to attend the workshop. This way, we can have a Zoom speaker meeting that most will feel comfortable attending, as well as a workshop opportunity that some will attend in person. However, after Lori's talk, those who may want to purchase a light pad and try it out at home can do so without needing to attend the workshop.
Both the speaker meeting with Lori on the 7th and the editing session on the 14th will be recorded.